
Gong Integration with x‑bees

Level up your sales conversations

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About Gong

Gong is a revenue intelligence platform that analyzes sales tools and prospect communications to provide clear insights into employee performance and the state of your pipeline. Pulling information from emails, customer calls, web conferences and even text messages, Gong helps you see what is working, the next steps you should take and how to improve so you can strategically grow your revenue.

More on Gong

How Gong integrates with x‑bees

Our Gong integration records and delivers all your sticky customer communications straight to to bring you deep analysis and helpful sales insights.

x‑bees by Wildix on Gong Collective

Our Gong and x‑bees integration helps you to:

  • Identify and repeat sales behaviors that work
  • Address and overcome common objections
  • Know how your team is performing
  • Coach your sales team more effectively
  • Get actionable data on how to progress your deals
  • Improve overall sales performance
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